WhAt is our purpose?

The project began after a meeting with a park ranger and slowly evolved into a study on missing people who have vanished in the wild, many under highly unusual circumstances. We found in MANY of the cases, parents and relatives of the victims believe their loved one was kidnapped. 

Law enforcement and the media typically do not publicize concerns of kidnapping or abduction when the missing can be explained through traditional means. There are too many similar cases to ignore the trend. The consistencies must be accounted for. 

Missing 411 will begin a societal dialogue about these unexplained disappearances. We aim to be a voice for the victims and their families. Missing 411 The Movie will add visual clarity to these cases. 

Who is on the Missing 411 Movie Team?

The Missing 411 Documentary team is made up of a group of people who are passionate about both the stories being investigated as well as filmmaking. The team, ranging from an Emmy winning Videographer to a recently graduated Division I athlete, all became united behind the goal of increasing awareness about the unusual disappearances documented in David Paulides' Missing 411 book series. 

Why we need your help

We have interviews lined up with many more experts, eyewitnesses, former park employees and politicians who, taken collectively, will add an unbiased perspective to our movie. Doing this will require traveling across the country, securing permits, buying and renting specialized film equipment and many months of work for our talented crew. It’s more than we can handle on our own.

The Ultimate goal, beyond filming a documentary, is to raise awareness for this issue and to ensure the families stories are told. If you yourself cannot donate, you can support us by passing this video along to your friends, family and colleagues in order to get the message out there. 

In addition to support of this project we are always interested in information and telling as accurate a story as possible. As such, if you have any knowledge about the disappearances that could aid in our investigations, such as contacts within the Park Service or ex-employees who are willing to talk, please do not hesitate in getting in contact with us. We want to hear your story.